Is Stretching A Waste of Time

Injury prevention is always one of the hottest topics in the sports medicine world.

In the information world that’s full of social media salesman, it’s tough to know what actually works.

According to a recent meta-analysis we know 2 things:

  • Most exercise based interventions work

  • Except stretching

“Stratified exposure analyses proved no beneficial effect for stretching”

“Strength training reduced sports injuries to less than 1/3 and overuse injuries could be almost halved.”

Why doesn’t stretching help?

Maybe because of the possible adverse effects when not done with specific intention and global assessment.

Potential adverse effects of stretching:

  • Decreased strength and power

  • Overstretching passive connective tissue (ligaments, joints, fascia, etc)

  • Nerve compression

  • Ischemic environment (temporary decreased blood flow)

  • Proximal or distal compensations

  • Aberrant torque on local or adjacent joints

So if you’re trying to prevent injuries, the old saying “Can’t Go Wrong Getting Strong” holds true.