The quickest way to reduce back pain

I have a lot of experience treating low back pain.

One of the best methodologies is MDT, or as some people know it McKenzie.

I love it because it doesn’t depend on belief. It doesn’t depend on dogmas or theories. It doesn’t take 6 weeks to see results.

Instead the solution is usually found in the first visit. And if not, it will take no longer than 3 visits. It’s a true “proof is in the pudding”.

Of course this requires compliance of the patient. And also for the patient to let go of their current beliefs. This is sometimes difficult. But when their back pain is changed quickly, the buy in becomes easier.

Even studies show its effect:

In patients with chronic LBP, there is moderate- to high-quality evidence that MDT is superior to other rehabilitation interventions for reducing pain and disability”

If you have back pain and it isn’t going away, give us a call.