We all know the flu is currently being spread around.
But what else are we spreading to our co-workers, friends, and family?
Emotional Contagion
Instead of just worrying about washing our hands to prevent spreading germs, we should also worry about our emotions and how they influence others.
Why? Are emotions contagious?
The answer is yes. And it's not just hippie propaganda.
In a groundbreaking article, cited by over 2500, the authors concluded:
"There was a significant influence of emotional contagion on individual-level attitudes and group processes. As predicted, the positive emotional contagion group members experienced improved cooperation, decreased conflict, and increased perceived task performance."
In other words, how we feel affects those around us. How we act affects those around us. How we behave affects those around us.
So instead of being so concerned about others, maybe we should point the flashlight inward to make the world a better place.
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." -Aldous Huxley
The Flip Side
The flip side of this is how we should consider other people's feeling affecting ours.
Think of other people's emotions like germs.
The grumpy co-worker, the angry news, the aggressive driver behind you. These people will consciously or unconsciously control our lives.
How do we change this?
We control our environment to control ourselves.
Just like we do with germs.
How do we do this?
Control our avatar's environment. Unfollow or unfriend the negative, dramatic people on social media. We don't need their drama/hate germs to infect us. I always check my reaction to what people put out. If it isn't a positive reaction, I unfollow them rather than getting caught up in the sickness. If it's a positive reaction, I make sure to read more from them.
Stay away from polarized news sources or radicalized political talk. Use trusted, neutral sources like BBC or Reuters. Don't catch the hate bug.
Ignore the angry or dramatic people at work or in our society. Act like they have the flu. Just stay away from their infection bubble. Or at least realize their infected and don't let their germs get on you.
Seek out positive, good-hearted people. These people will improve our lives.
In Summary
We can't always control ourselves. Especially when so many things are happening at subliminal levels.
But we can control our environment. And by controlling our environment, by staying away from the negative people and going towards the positive ones, we can live a happier life.