The Hits

September Hits

1) The popliteus is an important structure of the knee that is often overlooked by many clinicians.  While it may not be the main contributor to knee dysfunction, it can still have a major impact.  Some patients need greater activation of this muscle, while othersbenefit from a release.  This is a good post on the popliteus and it's functional role in the knee joint.2) I recently had a patient with hamstring syndrome.  She had been previously mis-diagnosed with piriformis syndrome, ischogluteal bursitis, lumbar radiculopathy, and hamstring tendonosis.  Understanding how to differentially diagnose these patients may lead to a more specific treatment and a better outcome.3) Bret Contreas has a great post on Gray Cook.  It's hilariously titled, "50 Shades of Gray Cook".  I've been reading alot of Gray Cooks stuff lately.  The more I read it the more I begin to think he is one of the most important figures in the future advancements of human movement.  It's very innovative and complex without being very complicated.  Which is difficult to accomplish in anything.4) Chris Johnson wrote a great post on calf strains ("tennis leg").  Very useful information on the acute management of this injury.5) I like the idea of bridging the gap between post-rehab and personal training.  I think it would help rehab professionals to have a better understanding of training and the fitness industry.  Pavel Tsatsouline is a very outspoken fitness guru.  He has some great thoughts and opinions on training.  I personally like his idea of "greasing the groove" and anti-muscle-failure approach.  Chris Beardsly put it all in one place with his post of the top 10 Pavel Tsatsouline articles