Fall Hits 2016: Table of Contents

This is a collection of information to help improve health and movement.  It includes articles, videos, and quotes that I have found helpful in studying the human species.  Due to the complexity of this subject matter, I have tried to include a variety of variables that can influence the dynamic system.In an attempt to avoid information overload, I’ve separated the information into different categories.  I will post each category separately to make it easier to scroll through.  The links below will be added over the next month as they are posted.Feel free to follow me on social media to keep up to date on the latest postings.





 AG Project Blog

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Table of Contents


Blood flow, self-regulation, studies, headaches and furrowing, hip flexor strength, forward lunge trunk angle, running fatigued, Kathy Dooley anatomy, best breathing gifs of all time

General Healthcare

How knee pain will end your life (another reason why PT is important), decline of american health, and why you should worry about your significant other's health

Psychology, Neuroscience, & Pain

What kind of narrative are you living?,  emotion states are all there is, bad feelings=irrational beliefs, pain is in the body too, Dr. Sarno, why we need diagnoses, and opiods

Brene Brown, Vulnerability, Shame, Empathy, & Compassion

Work on yourself to work on others

Training / Strength & Conditioning

volume effect, split squat lunge torso angle and feet distance, vertical quadruped

Social & Communication

Motivation and stuff


Microbiome and stuff

Other Good Stuff

Trees, titles, and rhinos

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