Diet has a profound effect on our health.
Many of my patients who undergo healthy dietary change find not only a positive outcome with their physical symptoms, but their overall health and we'll being improves.
Now research is showing that those patients will probably be living longer as well:
"One of the first studies to explore the effects of calorie restriction on humans showed that cutting caloric intake by 15 percent for two years slowed aging and metabolism and protected against age-related disease. The study found that calorie restriction decreased systemic oxidative stress, which has been tied to age-related neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as cancer, diabetes, and others."
How does this happen?
I'm sure there will be many future theories and studies that will argue about the mevhanisms behind this powerful, life-changing effect.
The current theory from the study is "the rate of living theory, those individuals who are the most efficient at utilizing energy should experience the greatest longevity."
Regardless of the how, the intervention and results speak louder enough on their own.
In a culture of overconsumption and lack of compression of morbidity, this caloric restriction approach will be very valuable. Not only to the individuals who will live longer, but also to our healthcare system.
Now only if we could figure out a long term solution to make this easy and effective for the general population.